Monday, September 24, 2007

Week 3 - #7

Something technology related...

I have found that the use of chat rooms for on-line meetings is a good thing. I was able to be in on a chat Saturday night with a specialist that helps children with ADHD and other LD's. We were able to get new information and take place in "live" so to speak discussions about topics that are on our minds as parents of children with the above concerns.

I also found that in helping my daughter surf the web, you can't always filter and hide things from them. Even if you are sitting right next to them. My daughter was looking up stuff on "High School Musical" and the stars in it. And the first link for one of the stars was a link to the scandal involving her and some photos that were taken. So now she can only look up "High School Musical" information through the Disney Channel site.

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